Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Not Giving Up

Today I'm proud of not giving up. I had some hurdles to tackle this week - sickness, which made me want to eat anything to make me feel better, and not being able to go to the gym. It would have been easy to say, "oh I'm taking this week off" and just wait until I feel better to diet. But I took last week off, and I felt like I needed to get back on the horse. If I kept putting off returning to the diet routine, it would have been even harder to get back into it. So even with sickness and lack of working out, I stuck to it! And I'm actually looking forward to my weigh-in tomorrow. I'm hoping to at least lost .5 pounds, because that would put me at an even 10 pounds since the beginning of January. Ideally, I'd love to lose 2.5 pounds, which would mean I'd only have to lose 7 pounds in March to reach my goal of being under 200 by the end of the month, but any loss is a loss!

I think the biggest thing that made this week a little difficult is the lack of working out. I'm used to earning a lot of activity points (in WW, the more you work out, the more extra food points you get) that I can use to have some extra food. So, it's an adjustment when I don't have those extra points. Sure, I'm a little less hungry because I'm burning less calories, but when you're used to being able to eat something, it's a bit of a change when you can't. I'm still shocked that I missed going to the gym this week. I'm going later today, though! Finally over my cold.

In addition to not giving up this week, I'm proud of myself for not giving up on weight loss altogether. I've technically been signed up for weight watchers since October of 2008. I just couldn't stay consistent enough to really lose any weight until now. So it would have been easy for me to say, oh screw it, I'll always be fat. But I just wasn't satisfied with always being unhappy with myself. So eventually I found the motivation (and, thanks to thyroid drugs, the energy) to stick to it! And somewhat ironically, the biggest motivation to keep losing weight is seeing the results of the weight you've already lost. Seeing my clothes fit better, or wearing clothes I haven't worn in years, or hearing people compliment me about how thin I look - these things REALLY keep me motivated. The more I'm in a good mood/head space about my weight loss, the less I want to reach for those cupcakes. I talked yesterday about being a bored eater, but I'm also an emotional eater. If I'm feeling depressed, there's nothing I want more than fatty and greasy foods. Since I've been so motivated, I haven't been sad about turning down those foods. I was actually thinking about how satisfied I am with my life right now, and when I think back to how I felt about myself in just November or December, it's such a HUGE difference. It's hard to explain, but suffice it to say that my mom and stepdad have both noticed that my attitude has significantly changed for the better. Isn't it amazing the things that happen when you enjoy your life and feel good about yourself?!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see you the next time you manage to come down! I'm also really glad that you're happier with your life - that's motivation in itself. Love you, darlin'. Glad you're feeling better.
