Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Weigh-in day 18!

193.5! 1 pound this week, 33.9 pounds since September 9, 2009. That was the first day I weighed myself after I moved back to Knoxville from Texas. This date is important because it is the key to my new goal. I want to be halfway through my total goal weight loss by September 8th, 2010, exactly 52 weeks since last year. That means I need to be at a total of 40 pounds of weight loss, which means I need to lose about 6 pounds in the next 7 weeks. At the rate I've been going in the last 2 weeks, this seems extremely achievable. However, I will be taking 2 vacations in the next 7 weeks, one to Chicago and one to New York, so it may prove to be a little challenging!

Losing 40 pounds in year - holy cow! I will admit, when I started this blog, I wanted to be a lot farther along than that. But when I think about that - how much 40 pounds really weighs - think about all the stress I will have taken off my body in just a year! Not to mention all the mental stress I will have saved myself. That is an average of .7 pounds per week - an extremely healthy rate of weight loss. And considering that I wasn't very dedicated last year from September to January - think of how much more I can do in the year to come! I'm very excited about this goal - it's short term enough to give me something to work toward, but has doesn't seem impossible.

Which brings me to my point for the day - SETTING GOALS FOR YOURSELF. It's such an important part of the process. If you only think, "I have so much weight to lose - 80 pounds!" you will be so overwhelmed that you'll never make a change. So, start somewhere smaller. Decide you want to try to lose 5 pounds this month. Or, if that's too long term for you to start out with, aim to lose a pound this week, or to go to the gym twice. Pick something that will make you proud of yourself when you do it, but not something so difficult that you won't be able to do it, or enjoy the process of reaching your goal. If you try to lose 10 pounds your first month of weight loss, you're going to be killing yourself at the gym and depriving yourself of most anything you want to eat. This is not the way to keep weight off long term. Sure, you might meet your goal, but what happens after the month is over? You fall back into your old habits. Your short-term goals should encourage you to keep doing what you're doing in order to reach your ultimate goal. You're running a marathon - it requires daily training and conditioning. But it is possible!

Last but not least - I'm doing my best to at least blog on my weigh in days, but I'm having trouble coming up with new topics to post about during the week. So I thought I would ask - what would you like to read about? Is there something you're struggling with that you want me to write about? PLEASE let me know!! Just writing this blog weekly helps keep me on track, but I want to try to help you reach your goals as well. So help me help you! Thanks for reading!!

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