Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Clean Eating - Day 15

We are in the LAST WEEK of this challenge!! We're almost at the finish line!! And if there's one thing I learned from competitive sports as a kid - you always have to push the hardest when you're near the finish line.

This week we are trying to focus on eating more vegetables. We're still trying to work out and stick to the diet. But it seemed like last week we ate a lot of very heavy meals that were mostly protein. So this week we're making sure we get plenty of veggies with our lunch & dinner. Breakfast is still shakes, and fruit is still our snack. I'm hoping that focusing on this will allow me to feel fuller after eating less calorie meals. Even though we're not "counting calories," if you don't eat in a balanced way, the weight still won't come off like you want it to. Try adding just one serving of veggies to your lunch and dinner and see how you feel! I promise you will feel fuller and more satisfied at the end of your meal!

6:25am - Rise and Shine!

6:45am - Chocolate Banana Coffee Protein Shake

7:00-7:30am - Workout (see below for details)

8:20am - Cashew Cookie Larabar. Water.

11:30am - Leftover Pork Curry. Water.

12:00-12:20pm - Lunchtime Walk

4:00pm - Strawberries, grapes, and almonds. Sparkling water.

7:30pm - Stuffed bell peppers (see below for recipe). Roasted zucchini and yellow squash (see below for recipe). Water.

Stuffed Bell Peppers - Boil water and preheat oven to 350. Slice top off bell pepper (we used orange ones). Remove seeds. Boil pepper(s) in water for 3 minutes. On stovetop, cook 4 oz. ground turkey with 2 tbsp. tomato paste, 1 clove garlic, 2 tbsp. diced mushrooms and Italian seasoning. When turkey is done, place filling inside bottom of bell pepper. Place top on pepper and put in roasting pan. Cook for 20 minutes in oven. This makes one pepper - expand the recipe if needed.

Roasted Zucchini and Yellow Squash - Slice veggies as you like. Cook on stovetop in covered pan over medium heat in olive oil. Season with salt, pepper, italian seasoning and fresh squeezed lemon. Veggies are done when they start to become transparent.

Workout - 15 minutes on the treadmill. Walk for 2.5 minutes, run for 1.5 minutes. Repeat. 20 reps tricep pulldowns, 40 lbs. weight. 20 reps bicep curls, 30 lbs. weight. 30 kettlebell halos with 15 lb. weight. 15 upright rows with 15 lb. weight. 30 crunches on stability ball. 30 angle crunches on stability ball. 15 chest press with 2 10 lb. weights. 15 chest flys with 2 10 lb. weights. 15 rows with 20 lb. weight. 5 minutes on stationary bike starting with high resistance and decreasing with each minute. Stretch.

**Notice that I put cardio before my weights again. My time was limited, but I think I used it well. If you have a plan, you can accomplish a lot in just a 30-minute workout! I got cardio and all upper body muscles done!

That's all for today! Love health and harmony to you!

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